Curtains & Blinds - Japan

  • Japan
  • In Japan, the revenue generated in the Curtains & Blinds market in 2024 amounts to ¥€2.57bn.
  • It is projected to experience an annual growth rate of 0.23% (CAGR 2024-2029).
  • When comparing it globally, in the United States generates the highest revenue in this segment with a total of €9,986m in 2024.
  • Taking into consideration the population figures, in Japan, the per person revenue in 2024 amounts to ¥€20.98.
  • The demand for traditional Japanese-style curtains, such as Noren, is increasing in Japan due to a revival of cultural appreciation.

Key regions: France, China, India, Denmark, United States

Comparaison de régions


Data coverage:

Data encompasses B2C enterprises. Figures are based on home furnishings and furniture found in every room of the home. This market is categorized by the room where the furniture is likely to be used and consists of the following: Living Room, Bedroom, Kitchen & Dining room, Outdoor, Home Office, and Baby & Children's Furniture. The Furniture market also includes Lamps and Lighting and Home Décor because the furnishings and accessories within these categories are not specific to any room.

Modeling approach / Market size:

Market sizes are determined by a top-down approach, based on a specific rationale for each market segment. As a basis for evaluating markets, we use national statistical offices, international institutions, in-house market research, and resources from the Statista platform. Next we use relevant key market indicators and data from country-specific associations such as consumer spending and GDP. This data helps us to estimate the market size for each country individually.


In our forecasts, we apply diverse forecasting techniques. The selection of forecasting techniques is based on the behavior of the particular market. For example, exponential trend smoothing is well suited for forecasting the Furniture market with a projected steady growth. The main drivers are furniture and furnishings, carpets and other floor coverings, and consumer spending per capita.

Additional Notes:

The market is updated twice per year in case market dynamics change. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is considered at a country-specific level.

Vue d’ensemble

  • Revenue
  • Global Comparison
  • Methodology
  • Key Market Indicators
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