25.03.2015 Forbes and Statista unveil America's Best Employers
NEW YORK, Mar. 25, 2015 – Google. Costco. Marathon Petroleum. The Container Store. L.L. Bean. These are America’s five best employers! Statista and Forbes have performed an extensive survey to discover America’s 500 best employers. It’s not a surprise at all that Google is ranked first, but did you expect the Fire Department of the City of New York, where incredible daily danger is offset by tradition, training and duty, to be ranked in the top 20?
The 500 Best Employers in the U.S. 2015 were chosen across 25 industries based on an independent survey by Statista. 20,000 American employees working for large firms or institutions have been asked if they would recommend their employer, or any other employers in their industry, to a potential employee.
To ensure the independence of the survey the companies were not informed in advance. Furthermore, Statista made sure that only permanent employees took part in the survey.
One interesting result of the survey: The most satisfied employees work in the industry “Construction, Oil & Gas Operations, Mining and Chemicals”. Despite the physical and sometimes dangerous nature of the jobs, this industry is the only one, in which all six drivers of the employer's attractiveness such as salary and working conditions are rated at more than 80% (4/5). In total 85% of the Best employers are original American companies. But who made it to the top of the list? The infographic shows the top 15 American employers.
The complete list of the 500 best American employers can be found online on www.forbes.com or in the print magazine, issue April 13, 2015.
Statista has successfully established their survey method in Europe; they have been publishing the best German employers for three years, and this year they also published their first list of the best employers in France. A comparison between the three different countries leads to one question: Do the nationalities prefer companies according to their stereotype? Yes, they do! Whereas in Germany two car manufacturers can be found in the top 3 (Top 1: BMW, Top 2: Audi, Top 3: dm), French employees prefer to work for cosmetics companies (Top1: L'Oréal, Top 2: Airbus, Top 3: Procter & Gamble). And Americans? They are versatile - with a special focus on manufacturing industries.
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