22.07.2016 Digital Market Outlook Reports

Digital Market Outlook


Hamburg, 22.07.2016 – Since July, the Statista DMO provides investigative insights and recent developments for all relevant digital markets - for Germany and the entire world.


The Statista DMO has identified eight core digital markets, two of which, Digital Advertising and Smart Home, are already available on the platform. The DMO provides revenue figures, editorial insights, qualitative and quantitative analysis of Key Performance Indicators for each market as well as international comparisons pertaining to key players and rising stars within each respective industry.

Based on exclusive primary and secondary data, the Statista Research and Analysis Team will analyze and publish additional reports that cover topics which are influence the digital economy.


You have the exclusive opportunity to download the three following DMO-reports for free here:


Video Advertising Outlook 


Social Media Advertising Outlook


Smart Home Energy Management Outlook