11.11.2014 Half a million users already trust Statista
Half a million users already trust Statista
It’s been just six years since the Statista Platform went live online, and a lot has happened since then. Today on Statista you can find around 1 million pieces of market and consumer data, over 17,000 market forecasts, and over 460,000 German company facts. Meanwhile, we’ve also launched several new products and services, including infographic services, market studies and industry reports, and an entire in-house Research & Analysis Department. With so much activity, it’s no surprise that Statista now employs over 150 experts, dispersed throughout establishments in Hamburg, New York, Frankfurt, and London. Our growing team reflects our growing users: over 500,000 registered users trust the data provided by Statista.
We want to thank you for your confidence in us and we are excited to continue expanding our platform for our customers.