Revenue of the crowdlending industry in Asia 2019-2028

Revenue of the crowdlending market in Asia from 2019 to 2028

CharacteristicTransaction value in billion U.S. dollars
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Statistic: Revenue of the crowdlending market in Asia from 2019 to 2028 (in billion U.S. dollars)
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Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.


Crowdlending platforms, otherwise know as lending-based Crowdfunding enable small and medium-sized enterprises to get loans from single or multiple, private and institutional investors via an online brokering platform. On credit platforms such as Funding Circle, OnDeck, Kabbage and Lending Club, businesses can obtain small loans up to a set maximum value. As a rule, financing requests are analyzed by the provider via an internal scoring system and are checked against additional minimum requirements such as turnover. Subsequently, these financing requests can be invested in by private and institutional investors at an appropriate interest rate determined by the credit rating of the company. This makes it possible for SMEs to borrow quickly and easily, as the basic requirements for obtaining finance are more flexible compared to traditional bank loans.

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