Définition Motion component

Motion components describe the nature of progress of data collected in a time series (longitudinal data). They provide information and describe whether data follows a certain pattern over a period of time. The seasonal component is a typical motion component: data movements during certain periods have been well recorded – an obvious example of the seasonal component is falling unemployment during spring. Due to better weather, and as a result, better working conditions, more people find jobs in construction and agriculture.

See also the keyword time series analysis. The main motion components are:

• trend component
• seasonal component
• cyclical component
• residual component

Les définitions de notre encyclopédie sont des explications simplifiées de termes. Notre but est de rendre ces définitions compréhensibles pour un large public. Par conséquent, il est possible que certaines d’entre elles ne soient pas entièrement à la hauteur des standards scientifiques.