29.12.2014 Library Journal chooses Statista as the best statistics portal 2014
„…There really is nothing out there like Statista.”
Just in time for the New Year, we have some great news for and from Statista! Now with over 500,000 registered users on our platform, an exciting report has arrived from the United States. We are extremely proud to announce that Statista has been chosen as the “Best Statistics Portal 2014” by the Library Journal. The international nature of our services and our wide-ranging supply of data (not to mention our user-friendliness and excellent visuals) were essential in earning this title. Mrs. Lura Sanborn, Research & Instruction Librarian at St. Paul's School, even said that for the first time Statista made her enjoy statistics! We are very happy to receive this distinction and promise to keep our standards and quality as high as always.