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Revenue of the prestige cosmetics industry worldwide 2015-2028

Revenue of the prestige cosmetics market worldwide from 2015 to 2028

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Supplementary notes

Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.

Prestige Cosmetics include decorative cosmetics like make-up, lipsticks and gloss, eyeshadow and mascara, nail polish and similar products. The overall market definition is aligned with the Cosmetics segment in the Consumer Market Outlook’s Cosmetics and Personal Care market, while here only the super- and ultra-price range is considered. Professional products produced for cosmetic parlors are not included. Likewise, only product sales are included, and beauty services are excluded.

The shown market data are based on an analysis of more than 100 of the biggest luxury companies in the world. A complete list of all companies and brands covered can be found in the methodology description. Sales by smaller companies or artisanal production unaffiliated with the companies covered are not included. A detailed list of all assessed companies and their brands can be found in the methodology. All data are shown at retail value, which includes markups for retail distribution and sales taxes.

L’Óréal’s Luxe division (e.g. Lancôme), Estée Lauder (MAC and other brands) and LVMH’s cosmetic brands (e.g. Benefit) as well as Coty’s Luxury and Shiseido’s Prestige divisions are the most important players in this field.

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