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Average monthly gross income per working household in Tokyo, Japan 2023, by salary

Average monthly gross income per working household in Tokyo Prefecture in Japan in 2023, by salary classification

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Release date

April 2024



Survey time period


Special properties

yearly average of monthly gross income

Supplementary notes

The gross income of households includes a cash income (ordinary income + extraordinary income) of all household members including household heads.

The seven salary classification is created by sorting the households according to the amount of salary they receive in ascending order and dividing them into seven groups based on the adjusted total number of households. Class one households earn the lowest amount of salary while class seven households earn the highest.

Working households refer to those whose heads are employed at business enterprises, government offices, schools, factories, shops, etc.

Excluding the following types of households:
1) single-person households
2) households of foreign nationals
3) households living in dwellings that operate eating or drinking establishments or accommodation services
4) households living in dwellings that offer private lodgings
5) households living with four or more employees
6) households whose heads are not present for three months or more

Tokyo Prefecture is one of the 47 prefectures in Japan. It consists of 23 special wards and 39 other municipalities, including 26 cities, five towns, and eight villages.

100 Japanese yen equal 0.64 U.S. dollars or 0.6 euros as of May 2024.

Values have been rounded.

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