Définition Statistical unit

Individual elements (people or objects) in a statistical data collection are called statistical units. They can be distinguished clearly, optimally in terms of facts as well as space and time.

Alternatively to the term statistical unit, we can also speak of carriers of an attribute in an investigation. There are various possible examples of statistical units – this could be a a group of people, countries, religions, car types, even cans of soup. Their properties that are being examined are called attributes, their answers are variables (=values).

For example, a statistical unit in a survey are young people between 14-18 years of age (factual) with primary residence in Boston (spatial), who were questioned between January 24-25 2014 (temporal).   

Les définitions de notre encyclopédie sont des explications simplifiées de termes. Notre but est de rendre ces définitions compréhensibles pour un large public. Par conséquent, il est possible que certaines d’entre elles ne soient pas entièrement à la hauteur des standards scientifiques.