Définition Kurtosis

The deviation of the course of a distribution from the course of a normal distribution is called kurtosis (curvature). It indicates the sharpness or peakedness of a curve.

A distinction is made between distributions with

- positive excess kurtosis (tapered curve): platykurtic distributions
- negative excess kurtosis (shallow curve): leptokurtic distributions


The kurtosis is one of the central moments of a distribution by means of which the curve is defined. A kurtosis with value 0 is mesokurtic, a kurtosis with a value greater than 0 is leptokurtic and a kurtosis with a value less than 0 is platykurtic.

Note: Often, the terms excess and kurtosis are used interchangeably, when in fact the excess refers to the kurtosis coefficient. 

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Terme commençant par K
  • Kurtosis