DIY & Hardware Store - Japan

  • Japan
  • In 2025, the DIY & Hardware Store market in Japan generated a revenue of €104.90bn.
  • This market segment is projected to experience an annual growth rate of 2.72% (CAGR 2025-2029).
  • When compared to other countries worldwide, in China leads in revenue generation with a staggering €731bn in 2025.
  • On a per-person basis, the revenue generated in Japan amounts to €859.80 in 2025.
  • Despite the popularity of traditional craftsmanship in Japan, the DIY and hardware store market is gaining traction among younger generations seeking convenience and affordability.

Key regions: Worldwide, China, United States, India, Japan

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Analyst Opinion

The DIY & Hardware Store market in Japan is facing a stagnant growth rate, with factors such as the rise of e-commerce, changing consumer preferences, and intense competition from smaller businesses impacting the overall market. Additionally, the shift towards sustainable and environmentally-friendly products is also influencing the market's growth. Despite these challenges, the market continues to experience modest growth due to the increasing demand for home improvement and renovation projects.

Customer preferences:
Japanese consumers have shown a growing preference for eco-friendly and sustainable products in recent years. This has led to an increase in demand for environmentally-friendly DIY and hardware products, such as energy-efficient appliances and biodegradable building materials. Additionally, the concept of "tsukuri-kake" (DIY) is deeply ingrained in Japanese culture, with many people taking pride in creating and maintaining their own homes. This trend has also extended to the DIY & Hardware Store Market, with consumers seeking out DIY solutions and materials that align with their values of self-sufficiency and environmental consciousness.

Trends in the market:
In Japan, the DIY & Hardware Store market is experiencing a surge in demand for eco-friendly and sustainable products, driven by the government's push towards environmental sustainability. This trend is expected to continue, with consumers becoming more conscious of their impact on the environment. In addition, there is a growing trend of online shopping for home improvement and DIY products, leading to increased competition among retailers to provide seamless online experiences. This shift towards e-commerce is also influencing the development of smart home technology, with a focus on energy efficiency and convenience. These trends have significant implications for industry stakeholders, as companies will need to adapt to meet changing consumer preferences and invest in innovative technologies to stay competitive in the market.

Local special circumstances:
In Japan, the DIY & Hardware Store Market is heavily influenced by the country's unique geographical characteristics. Due to its location on the Pacific Ring of Fire, Japan is prone to frequent earthquakes and tsunamis, making disaster preparedness and home improvement a top priority for its citizens. Additionally, Japan's aging population and shrinking workforce has led to a growing DIY culture, as many older citizens prefer to do home repairs and renovations themselves rather than hiring costly professionals. This has also led to a rise in demand for high-quality and innovative tools and materials in the market. Furthermore, Japan's strong sense of craftsmanship and attention to detail has resulted in a focus on quality and durability of products in the DIY & Hardware Store Market. These factors have greatly influenced the dynamics of the market, creating a unique landscape in Japan compared to other countries.

Underlying macroeconomic factors:
The DIY & Hardware Store Market in Japan is heavily influenced by macroeconomic factors such as consumer spending, trade policies, and construction activity. The country's strong economy, driven by healthy consumer spending and a stable political climate, provides a favorable environment for growth in the market. Furthermore, the government's initiatives to revitalize the construction industry through infrastructure investment and reconstruction projects after natural disasters contribute to the demand for DIY and hardware products. Additionally, Japan's aging population and their increasing need for home renovation and maintenance also drive the market growth. However, fluctuations in exchange rates and trade tensions with major trading partners may pose challenges to the market's expansion.


Data coverage:

Data encompasses B2C enterprises. Figures are segmented by product type and consist of the following: Paint, Wallpaper & Supplies, Tools & Machines, Hardware and Building Materials, Lawn & Garden, Heating & Cooling, Bathroom Hardware, and Floor Covering.

Modeling approach / Market size:

Market sizes are determined by a top-down approach, based on a specific rationale for each market segment. As a basis for evaluating markets, we use national statistical offices, international institutions, in-house market research, and resources from the Statista platform. Next we use relevant key market indicators and data from country-specific associations such as product value, import value, and export value to determine domestic supply. This data helps us to estimate the market size for each country individually.


In our forecasts, we apply diverse forecasting techniques. The selection of forecasting techniques is based on the behavior of the particular market. For example, exponential trend smoothing. The main drivers are turnover indices, GDP per capita, and consumer spending per capita.

Additional Notes:

The market is updated twice per year in case market dynamics change. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is considered at a country-specific level.

Vue d’ensemble

  • Revenue
  • Sales Channels
  • Global Comparison
  • Analyst Opinion
  • Methodology
  • Key Market Indicators
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