Game Consoles - Japan
- Japan
- In 2025, the Game Consoles market in Japan is projected to generate a revenue of ¥€2.6bn.
- It is anticipated that the market will experience an annual growth rate of 1.60% (CAGR 2025-2029).
- When compared globally, in the United States leads in terms of revenue generation, with a total of ¥€7,430.0m in 2025.
- In relation to the country's population, each person in Japan is expected to contribute ¥€20.89 to the Game Consoles market in 2025.
- By 2029, it is estimated that the volume of the Game Consoles market in Japan will reach 7.68m pieces units.
- Furthermore, the market is projected to exhibit a volume growth of 0.2% in 2026.
- On average, each person in Japan is expected to own 0.060pieces Game Consoles market in 2025.
- The demand for Japanese game consoles remains strong in the domestic market due to their innovative technology and cultural relevance.
Key regions: India, United States, Brazil, Canada, China